Please follow the four steps below to obtain the cost estimate of filing a Patent Application in South Korea.
Then, please click "calculate" to see the estimate.
Step 1. Enter the total number of words contained in the title of the invention, the claims, the specification and the abstract.
Note: Please count the total number of words contained in the title of the invention, the claims,
the specification and the abstract as accurately as possible. For convenience,
use the word-count function in your word processing program. Do not count spaces, periods or commas.
Word count =
Step 2. Enter the number of the priority.
Number of Priorities=
Step 3. Enter the number of figures.
Number of figures=
Note: After translated, figures must be scanned and edited for the electronic filing, and filed as images with the KIPO.
Step 4. Would you like to file a Request for Examination at the same time as entering into the Korean national phase?
A Request for Examination must be filed within five years from the international application date.
File a Request for Examination at the same time?
If Yes, Number of Claims=
Note: The KIPO's official fee for the request for examination varies depending on the number of claims.
Step 5. Enter your E-mail.
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